
I’m Bob, a single dad living near Totnes with his two daughters Priya (17) and Anya (14).

In 2007 I founded OnlyDads, an organisation supporting single parents, I started this blog to run alonside and compliment OnlyDads. To support our work we have now launched our new Dating Site.

I write about issues that affect lone parents and families of all shapes and sizes.  I hope you will join in and make this a space for discussions and a sharing of stories and viewpoints.

I also write about my life as a dad outnumbered by two smart young women and my continuing efforts at negotiating my way through the tangle of tights, spilt make up and other curious anomalies that these creatures bring to my life.

6 Responses to About

  1. Great website Bob, I’m really glad I found it. I was just reading some negative comments on a article about single dads on another website and I was disappointed. So many people stereotype single dads as being gay or have custody of their kids to get back at their ex-spouses. There are dads out here who are striving to be a better male role model in their sons and daughters lives than their own fathers were in their childhood. Ounce again-great website and great job on being the father your two daughters need in their lives.

  2. David says:

    Hi Bob
    I find myself in a difficult situation once again with my ex this time my ex is trying to change our Son’s name and also remove my Parental Responsibilities. Any advice would be truly appreciated.

  3. mark phillipson says:

    Great website, I really hope things have become fairer since I was challenging for the residency order, It seemed my wife had the full support and resources of the Legal aid board, the courts, the police, the social services, the council, the school, the local education authority with there unfair practices and procedures were played out at the expense and suffering of children, fathers and of course at taxpayers.
    A father is equally capable of caring for his young children and has should have an equal right to do so. The father is normally only a reasonable consideration if the mother were to be proven to be unfit to care for the children. A very long way from equality or fairness but at least things are changing.
    I would like to encourage all men who may feel disheartened and overwhelmed going through such turmoil, if it is of the childs best interest, do not give up, you have an equal right. The courts and authorities should be doing what is best for the children, while respecting the rights of the parents, they may need reminding of this.

    best regards


    Another winner, proud father and main/best carer of my two children.!

  4. kevin says:

    Hi, I am a.single father of 2 girls aged 2 and 1 son aged 1, after a year in courts, through no fault of my own I have finally got contact with my babies, I have been accused of many things by my ex wife who is trying to stop me seeing them, and have proven her lies over and over again in court but still I can only see my kids 1 hour a fortnight, the system is destroying me, every fortnight my two oldest girls are telling me they love and miss me, and all I’m aloud to.do is walk away for another fortnight, this can’t be fare for them and hurts me so much, any help or info from.anyone will be appreciated

  5. Mark phillipson says:

    contact your local mp the social services and have your kids call childline. Your children have a human right to see you and vice versa. Your wife has compromised herself in court that’s better than cctv evidence. All the best don’t be a victim ! (advise all concerned case is being monitored)
    Mark .

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